• Number of crematoria: 187
  • Crematoria situated at:
    1. Buenos Aires (80)
    2. CABA (18)
    3. Catamarca (1)
    4. Chaco (2)
    5. Chubut (4)
    6. Córdoba (20)
    7. Corrientes (5)
    8. Entre Ríos (8)
    9. Formosa (1)
    10. Jujuy (3)
    11. La Pampa (4)
    12. Mendoza (5)
    13. Misiones (3)
    14. Neuquen (7)
    15. Salta (3)
    16. San Juan (2)
    17. San Luis (1)
    18. Santa Cruz (5)
    19. Santa Fe (11)
    20. Tierra del Fuego (1)
    21. Tucumán (3)

Statistics of cremations

  Cremations Total Deaths % of Deaths
2019 *143,525 341,728


2020 *161, 774 376, 219 *43.00

*Figures are estimated and the latest obtainable.

Cremation Organisation:
Asociación de Crematorios de la República Argentina
61 No 1231 Miramar
General Alvarado
Provincia de Buenos Aires
Republica Argentina
Jorge Gabriel Lopez
Dr Elizabeth Brizuela Lena
Date of foundation:
Number of members: